Upcoming Webinar: The Australian Traveller in 2021

Margot News

インバウンド ウェビナー:豪州市場の現状と今後の見通し
Upcoming Webinar: The Australian Traveller in 2021


新型コロナウイルスの影響によって渡航制限がある中、オーストラリア政府は2021年にむけて渡航を許可するsafe travel Zone(安全渡航ゾーン)に取り組んでいます。日本は観光を目的とした渡航先として検討されている数少ない国の1つとなっています。
While Covid19 has restricted Australians from travelling to Japan, the Australian government is working on ‘safe travel zones’ for 2021 and Japan has been suggested as one of the few travel destinations that is likely to open for Australians to travel to for leisure.

Australians love travelling. They stay an average of 21 days in destination and their spend per trip is significantly higher than the average traveller. Therefore, Australian travellers are sought after by international destinations.

Australians are keen to travel internationally in 2021 and with the government limiting the countries they can travel to, Japanese prefectures that undertake effective marketing are likely to benefit substantially.

Japanese prefectures and tourism operators can join this webinar to learn more about the travel habits of Australian tourists and effective marketing strategies to attract Australian travellers.

ウェビナーは11月26日(木)10:30(日本時間)より開始です。お申し込みは下記の”CLICK HERE TO REGISTER FOR THE FREE WEBINAR”よりお進みください。
The Webinar will be held on Thursday 26 November at 10:30am Japan time

スピーカー:Sarah Anderson(サラ・アンダーソン)

GTI Tourismの創立者であり、マネージングディレクターとして22名のチームを先導している。これまでイギリス、アメリカ、オーストラリア、ニュージーランドで業務経験があり、世界中のホテル、航空会社、ツアーオペレーターと協業実績をもつ。2016年にはトラベル・ウィークリーによるメンター・オブ・ザ・イヤーを受賞、2018年には同企業が選ぶ”Women in power list”に入る。Council of Australian Tour Operatorsの委員、Association National Tourist Office Representativesの代表を務めるなど、長年にわたって豪州の観光業界に貢献。最近はAustralian Society of Travel Writersのメンバーを務めている。

About the speaker, Sarah Anderson
Sarah is the founder and managing director of GTI, leading a team of 22. Sarah has worked in the UK, US 
and Australia and New Zealand, representing hotel, airline, tour operator and destination clients around the world. Sarah was awarded as Travel Weekly’s Mentor of the Year in 2016, was acknowledged on Travel Weekly’s women in power list 2018 and has contributed to the travel industry as Committee Member of the Council of Australian Tour Operators, and Chair of the Association National Tourist Office Representatives. She is a member of the Australian Society of Travel Writers.


企業概要:GTI Tourism

GTI Tourismは豪州有数の観光マーケティング会社。日本の自治体や観光企業向けにサービスを提供した経験をもち、トレード、マーケティング戦略、広報PR、SNS、マネージメント、コンテンツマーケティング、イベント運営など幅広い分野でサポートが可能。強みは大手旅行会社であるFlight Centreをはじめ、カンタス航空、ジェットスター、エクスペディアなどの主要企業、豪州ツアーオペレーターと深いつながりをもつこと。これまでに多くの受賞歴があり、最近ではMumbrella Travel Marketing Awards 2020にてMarketing Campaign of the year at the Australian Travel Awards 2020 and PR Agency of the Yearを受賞。

About GTI Tourism

GTI Tourism is the leading marketing agency for the tourism and leisure sector. Our team have worked with regions and operators in Japan in the past and can deliver a range of services including trade representation, marketing strategy, public relations, social media, management, content marketing and events. Our strength is that we are well connected across the Australian tourism industry working with all major players such as Flight Centre, Qantas, Jetstar and all tour operators. GTI was awarded Marketing Campaign of the year at the Australian Travel Awards 2020 and PR Agency of the Year at the Mumbrella Travel Marketing Awards 2020.